Good day, Mr sports director. Please tell us about yourself.

My name is Saliu Oluwadamilola Olalekan. I’m a student of English literature in the prestigious Lagos State University. I am the 10th NASELS LASU sports director.

So, what are your plans for the new semester?

For the semester, I, together with my committee members plan to hold preliminary stages of all sporting activities which would see the finals of each of these activities take place on the NASELS Sports Day.

Oh, sounds interesting. What exactly are these sporting activities?

Activities such as board games (chess and scrabble), table tennis, football(both male and female), football trivia(first of its kind) and track racing. Also, there is something special we have for the students of the department which was heavily inspired by the students well-being. This centers around the physical and mental state of the students where by we aim to create a balance between both. A healthy mind and a healthy body is one hell of a combination.

I totally agree. How do you plan to do this?

To achieve this, we will create a community for the students who are interested in a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally. Those who want to keep in good shape, those who want to attain a disciplined mindset while at it, etcetera. Then every Saturday, we converge at the sports centre where we have a little marathon and after that, some exercises, then a gathering where everyone would be given the opportunity to speak and we listen, show support, and then remind them that they’re not alone. I think that beyond these four walls, students are going through a lot, and giving them a platform to just talk about these things and meet people who have or are experiencing the same thing would help them.  Bottling up emotions could affect the primary purpose of coming to study, you know. I do acknowledge the fact that there are level advisers, counselors and all that available in the school but I think we can agree that most people would rather sit down and discuss these issues with familiar faces than they would with a counselor.

Yes, I know that. Do you plan to carry lecturers along in these plans?

Of course, we plan to carry the entire department along, including the lecturers.

Is there going to be an online platform for persons who cannot be there physically on Saturdays?

That’s a good question.

Well, those who cannot be present can use the online platform to express themselves, but it would be advisable to at least be present(maybe once or twice)because this program is both mental and physical, maintaining a healthy life and a healthy mental state, creating a balance.

Thank you, Comr. Dami. Is there anything you'd like to say to the NASELS populace concerning this semester's sporting activities?

This semester’s sporting activities promises to be be exciting and nothing less. 

We plan to make every student of English involved in one sporting activity or the other, that is why there will be a variety of activities.

A female football competition for example, a football trivia competition for football lovers, board games and table tennis and so much more to look forward to especially on the sports day.


Happy birthday to all our amazing friends and colleagues celebrating this week!

May your special day be as bright and remarkable as your achievements. Your dedication, passion, and talents inspire us all. May this new year of life bring new opportunities and may your individual and collective impact continue to make a positive difference. You all deserve to be celebrated and acknowledged for your unique contributions. Here's to another year of success, growth, and making your dreams a reality! Well done, and happy birthday once again! May your future be filled with joy, success, and fulfillment!


A Minute Lost is a Century Lost

Once upon a time, in a distant future where time was considered the ultimate currency, there lived a man named Bode. He was a renowned clockmaker, his masterpieces gracing the walls of palaces and museums alike. But despite his fame and fortune, Bode's heart yearned for something more.

One day, Bode discovered an ancient scroll that spoke of a relic called the “Timekeeper's Hourglass”. Legends said that anyone who possessed this relic could control time itself. With it, Bode could finally claim his most precious dream—immortality.

Driven by this newfound obsession, Bode embarked on a perilous journey across the world, braving the scorching deserts, freezing tundras, and treacherous jungles in search of the Timekeeper's Hourglass. Finally, after months of arduous pursuit, Bode discovered the hidden shrine where the relic was hidden.

With a trembling hand, he reached out to grab the hourglass, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. But as he lifted the hourglass from its resting place, a blinding flash of light enveloped the chamber, and Bode found himself standing in a familiar workshop—his own.

Confused and disoriented, Bode glanced at the clock on the wall, only to see the hands spinning in reverse. As they moved backward, he felt a chill run down his spine. He was reliving the past, and with each tick of the clock, his memories vanished like sand in the wind.

Desperate to regain his bearings, Bode stumbled outside, only to find the world turned upside down. The streets were empty, the buildings crumbled, and the air heavy with a feeling of desolation.

As Bode ventured further, he encountered creatures he had only heard of in tales—vampires, dragons, and other long-forgotten beings—all caught in a timeless loop. Soon, he understood that the Timekeeper's Hourglass had not granted him control over time, but rather, he had become a prisoner of it.

Years passed, or perhaps seconds, as Bode found himself reliving the same day over and over. Each minute he lost became a century lost. He tried to warn others, but his words fell on deaf ears.

Then one day, Kola met a traveler named Kola, who seemed unaffected by the time loop. Together, they traversed the broken world, searching for a way to break the spell. After what felt like an eternity, they stumbled upon a prophecy that spoke of the Timekeeper's Hourglass' true purpose: it could bend time, but only if it was returned to its resting place with a pure heart and a selfless act.

Resolute in his mission, Bode placed the hourglass back on its pedestal, prepared to sacrifice himself for the world.

In an instant, the world was restored, and time resumed its natural course. Bode, however, remained frozen in time, trapped within the hourglass as an eternal reminder of the power and peril of time.

Centuries passed, and Bode’s sacrifice became a legend, his workshop now a museum honoring his tale. And as for Kola? He carried the memory of their journey in her heart, and when her time came, she whispered a silent goodbye to her friend, knowing that a minute lost, is indeed, a century lost.


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